
About the iVolunteer program

PERKS for volunteering: The position is unpaid, however, JPPF will reimburse actual travel costs that he/she will incur in the fulfillment of her responsibility.  JPPF will also provide a travel per diem and allowance during participation in the organization’s events, trainings and leaders gatherings.


Our Vision 

A just culture of empowered children.

Our Mission 

Empower children at-risk to become tomorrow’s influencers.

Our Purpose 

To capacitate local leaders through strategic partnerships to rescue and restore vulnerable children in conflict areas. 

Our Programs 


Child Protection 

Leadership development 

Our Work Culture 

  1. We value the teachings of Jesus. We are a non-profit organization who believes that the teachings of Jesus can create powerful change in the society. 

  2. Compassionate justice. We believe in justice that comes from a loving heart. A heart that is willing to love its enemies, seek peace and pursue it. 

  3. Muti-disciplinary excellence. We value excellence, creativity and innovations of other experts from different disciplines and bring them together into our space. 

  4. Innovative Mindset. We provide space for innovative learning and value innovative ways in solving problems.  

  5. Empowerment. We empower leaders to empower children and work for the next generations. 

  6. Holistic Accountability. We are accountable first to our Creator, our partners, the children, the environment and to everything that is given to us. 

  7. Collaborative partnership. We are a partnering organization. We believe that we all are aligned to serve each other and work together towards realization of a common goal.  


Volunteer Application Form